More Maui Pictures: Birds Were EVERYWHERE!

Picture of a Maui red crested cardinal on our Maui HI vacation

As you can see, we've taken a LOT of Maui pictures! This next bunch are a few of my favourite bird shots! I was quite charmed by the tameness of these birds that were often in the most unexpected places on our Maui HI vacation!

Just Hanging Around...

This little guy was just hanging around, presumably looking for food on the lawn of the Royal Lahaina Resort. I was surprised to see that he (or she?) was very tame, and graciously posed for this picture! I think this little bird might be a Maui Red Crested Cardinal...

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Now these little guys were smart... why go foraging for food when there were always little bits of this and that to be had at the Royal Lahaina Resort's Royal Ocean Terrace Restaurant? Apparently they knew that the resort's guests couldn't resist their cuteness and would be more than willing to part with some food samples! Look at them just sitting there on the restaurant chairs... are they adorable or what! (And you'll no doubt be relieved to know that I did not any evidence that the birds were having "accidents" in the restaurant!!)

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Picture of parrot on display in Lahaina on our Maui HI vacation This gorgeous guy (or gal?) was seen hanging out in Lahaina, Maui! For a fee, he would let you have your picture taken with him as a memento of your Maui HI vacation!

More articles of interest:

Go to Maui Pictures: Some of My Favourites

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